D6.2 Initial Dissemination Plan
HiPERFORM NEWS 2019/06/04
Public Deliverables   2019/06/04

This document outlines the dissemination and communication activities that will be carried out by the HiPERFORM project partners. In addition, it sets out what has already been achieved and provides an outline of what is planned for the next period.
The main activities related to dissemination and communication will centre around three key audiences and stakeholders: general public, industry, and academia.
Per each target group, an overview is given of all dissemination/communication opportunities identified through traditional communication channels such as event attendance (e.g. conferences, seminars, workshops, etc.), project publications (e.g. press releases, conference papers, articles in peer-reviewed journals, etc.), project presentations (e.g. to local stakeholders, etc.), complemented also by online activities based around the project website, and through social media platforms (e.g. Twitter, etc.).
However, the effectiveness of a given communication strategy depends on factors such as the target group and the information channel.
Based on these considerations, this document addresses the challenges of impact and visibility in the overall context of HiPERFORM, aiming to provide a strategic, coordinated and consistent approach to dissemination measures to be carried out to maximize the impact of the project.
The present deliverable outlines the strategy that will be implemented for the dissemination and communication of the project throughout its duration. Communication strategies include the definition of objectives, action planning, collaboration with other WPs, systematic impact assessment, etc.

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