Webinar #3: Advanced WBG Semiconductors in on- and off-board Chargers
HiPERFORM NEWS 2021/03/15
Webinars   2021/03/15

Date: Tuesday, May 18th, 2021 | 4 - 5 p.m.         Watch Video 


Advanced WBG Semiconductors in on- and off-board Chargers

The first part of the Webinar gives insights into the latest development for off-board charging solutions. The continued development of semiconductor switches based on SiC technology has a strong influence on the high voltage - high current segment. In this segment traditionally until now Si-based IGBT were used but now SiC devices are taking over. The advantage of using SiC devices in this segment are explained and also validated by measurements. 

In the second part GaN technology for on-board chargers will be discussed. Compared with Si devices, GaN technology provides lower losses at higher switching frequencies. These advantages can enable the development of smaller devices with higher power density, which in turn affects the size and weight of the on-board charger - these are crucial factors in the automotive industry. This webinar aims to provide a deeper understanding of the current state and potential impact of using GaN-based power electronics technologies on the on-board charging system, including system design, main architecture, and test results.



Humphrey de Groot is working since two years for Heliox, a Dutch company specialized in charging solutions for heavy duty vehicles. Before Heliox, he was employed by NXP (a former Philips Company).

Dr. Ir. Mohamed Abdel-Monem is head of Products Innovation & Systems Verification (PI&SV) team at Powerdale. Doctor in engineering sciences with more than 30 scientific publications, the first author of a patent application. He has 8 years of experience in national and European funded projects in the field of vehicle-to-grid (V2G) and second-life battery systems, power electronic converters, electric vehicle charging methodologies, energy management strategies (EMS), battery management system (BMS), and testing, characterizing and modelling of various rechargeable battery storage systems.


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